Title Sponsor
Title Sponsorship ($3000)
Be the Face of the World’s Largest Garage Sale!
Secure the most prestigious sponsorship level and enjoy maximum visibility and impact. As the Title Sponsor, you'll be the driving force behind the event's success.
Benefits Include:
- Exclusive Naming Rights: Your company name will be prominently featured in the event title (e.g., "[Your Company Name] World’s Largest Garage Sale").
- Unparalleled Brand Exposure: Enjoy extensive promotion across all marketing channels including website, social media, print materials, and on-site signage.
- VIP Recognition: Receive VIP treatment with exclusive access to event planning and promotional materials.
- Community Engagement: Strengthen your brand image by supporting a beloved community event.
- All Benefits of Lower Sponsorship Tiers: Enjoy all perks from the Transportation, Hospitality, Spotlight, Media, and Event Partner sponsorships, including logo placement on the coveted 2024 WLGS t-shirt.
Customize Your Package: We understand that every business is unique. Let's work together to create a customized sponsorship package that aligns with your goals. Contact Us Today to create a custom package.
Secure you Sponsorship Today!