
Be a Part of the Largest Garage Sale in the Adirondacks!

The Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce is excited to offer a variety of sponsorship opportunities for our upcoming World's Largest Garage Sale this October. This event attracts over 10,000 visitors, providing exceptional exposure for your business.

Choose the Perfect Sponsorship Package:

Title Sponsor ($5,000):
The most prestigious level! Gain maximum exposure with title billing, website promotion, social media mentions, prominent placement in event materials, and more!

Transportation Sponsor ($1000):
Showcase your company on our event shuttle buses and gain valuable exposure with social media mentions, event program ads, and display banners. Plus, have an opportunity to distribute promotional materials at the event.

Plan your Visit Sponsor ($500)Featured on our plan your Vist Page.  Personal Referrals from staff, to visitors and vendors thats over 10,000 people! Gain valuable exposure with social media mentions, event program ads, and display banners. Plus, have an opportunity to distribute promotional materials at the event.

Event Sponsor ($300):
Get your brand noticed with logo placement on our website, event program, and social media. We can also send a promotional email to our vendors on your behalf.

Media Sponsor ($150): Partner with us to promote the event! Your logo will be featured on the event program and website, and you'll receive social media mentions.

Additional Opportunities:

  • Digital Banner Ads ($200-$300): Secure banner ad space on our website increased brand awareness.
  • Vendor Page Online Ad ($100): Promote your business directly to our vendors with a clickable ad on our website.
  • Print Program Ads ($50-$300): Gain visibility in the event program distributed to all attendees with various ad sizes available.

Don't miss this exciting opportunity to reach a wide audience and boost your sales! 

For more information or to become a sponsor, use the form below!